Free Advice
Shopping down at a waterfront store the other day, there was a
little banter between one of the older, batchelor fishermen and a
young fellow. It included some teasing about the younger one
getting a "ring in his nose" which I presume was a marriage intention.
What struck me was the probable lack of competence on the part
of the older man in that subject. Now if that fellow was preaching
about sobriety, he'd be worth listening to. And if he was lecturing
about fishing, he should be given full attention. But marriage?
In the sea of matrimony, that bachelor fisherman is way over his head.
Isn't that often the way? We get advice from those who know very
little about the subject. On the other hand, how about this wisdom
from a well-known Polish shepherd? He says that marriage is the
human reality that best mirrors the relationship between God and
His people. Now there's an ideal to challenge us!