Turner Cove Isle Au Haut, Maine


The folks at Isle au Haut gathered Sunday afternoon at the waterfront in Moore's Harbor
to celebrate the fond memory of a well-loved fisherman. This was Phil Alley who spent most
of his active life by these shores.

Phil came here from Jonesport to share in a fish weir with Gordon Chapin. Phil brought
woodworking talent along with his fishing skills. His cabinetmaking remains in the local
church, his half-hull dory windowboxes decorate local homes and his boat models are
legendary. These models are the pride of many families who have acquired one.

Our gathering was hosted by Lloyd Bergeson, a ship designer and longtime summer resident.
Lloyd called on the Rev. Hoskins to dedicate a tree, planted there at Moore's Harbor, to honor
the memory of Phil. That nicely done, we listened to tributes and stories by many persons who
wanted to share them.

Phil's daughters and granddaughters spoke lovingly of his paternal affections. Then Jenny
Sawyer, a summer resident who followed Phil about, told us how as a little girl, she fell into
the weir which was teeming with trapped fish and squid during the process of emptying it.
Huey Jacobus told of the struggle to pull a 150 pound halibut into their dory as a thunderstorm
approached. That catch provided a meal or more for almost everyone on the Island.

Lloyd interrupted from time to time, reminding us that refreshments were waiting. The crowd
would have none of it and kept calling for more stories. So Lloyd shared his experience of first
meeting Phil and Gordon, then convincing them that the old house that was "not for sale" at
Moore's Harbor would be better with new ownership.

We were told of clam digging when Billy Barter thought he had filled his basket in record time
only to look up to find Phil already finished and was cleaning up. We were told of a lunch at
the Alley house during a work session in which Bill Stevens found a 2 1/2 pound lobster on his
plate and was told there was another lobster waiting while at the same time Mrs. Alley brought
a course of stuffed pork chops fron the kitchen.

Peg Dice told of filming a movie of the fish weir team as they went about their duties. She was
surprised at the ease of these men before the cameras. She told of the time in which a small
whale had become trapped in the weir and how the men had tied rocks to the tops of the nets,
hoping the whale would escape at high tide without smashing their weir. It did!

We were reminded of the oral history by Phil Alley which was taped and transcribed by Barbara
Brown of our Historical Society. A copy of that is in the local library and at the Maine Archives
in Orono. Several told of their trips to Jonesport by car or by boat to see Phil in his retirement.
Each felt rewarded by their visit with that special person.